Tag Archives: rarities

LDRS 393 – Achievements in Absurdity

Featured vinyl from
Love Society, Gabe Kaplan, Mach V
Future, Sparks, The Sandabs,
Benny Hill, The Glass Family,
Phillipa Fallon, The Stranglers,
Roberta Sherwood, Diane Hildebrand

as broadcast via 6160kc sw

LDRS 391 – Blues and Junes and Sex Appeals

Crackly vinyl from: Duane Eddy,
Fever Tree, The Boston Crabs,
Terry Reid, Lynne Hughes,
The Fabulous Flippers,
Carla Thomas, Lowell Folsom,
Sam Gopal, Pousette-Dart Band

and more!
As broadcast via 6160kc sw

LDRS 390 – memories, mementos, and maryjane

Dennis Budimir, Savoy Brown,
Sylvanus, Lou Gossett,
Shiva’s Headband, Geffery Chang,
The Flower Pot, Sally Kellerman,
Funkadelic, Mother’s Finest,
Michel Polnareff